User Status

User Status is used to provide the Owner control over some aspects of how the item can be used. The User Status of an item can only be changed by either its Owner or the Suggea administrator. The Owner can change the User Status from and to all possible values. The table below shows the possible values for this field, its meaning and how each value can be controlled.

Setting this field does not currently impact how or when any item can be Viewed

User Status Table

Status Meaning
Draft The item is currently active and in operation, but the Owner considers the item to be incomplete. This is not the default setting, and the Owner must set the User Staus to this value if they want to communicate for informational purposes that they still consider the item incomplete.
Active The item is currently complete and in operation. This is the default value for any item.
Available The item is still operational, but the Owner of this item has made this item available for any other User to take over Ownership.
Closed The Owner considers this item Closed. This is currently an informational setting only, and does not change how the item can be viewed or used.