Category Locations (Locations) are the primary method of storing, organising, and finding Entries. Each Location has a unique ID (Location ID), which cannot change. Each Location has two primary dependencies:

Locations are tightly interconnected in Parent Location - Child Location relationships to create the heirarchy of Locations, similar to folders in the file system. Any Location only ever has one true Parent Location. Suggea Home is the Daddy Of 'Em All, the root Category Location. The Child Locations for this root Location provide the initial set of Category Locations for the site.

Both the Category and the Parent Location are set when the Location is first created, but can be changed. The Location ID ensures that the Location can always be identified, located and referred to, even if the Location moves in the Locations heirarchy.e.g A Location is never identified by its path in the heirarchy (which can change), but always by it's ID.

Locations can currently be added by Suggea Users, within certain controls and limitations. For example, a Location may be Locked to allow only the Owner or Suggea administrator to change or use it for certain functions (Suggea Home Location is an example of this). There may be limits on what can be done with the location. For example, there may be a limit to how many Child Locations can be added to a particular Location.

In addition to Child Locations, any Location can have two other main types of items added to it.