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Post For
Originally Created
7/17/2016 7:58:41 PM
More Updates and Improvements

We continue to get great feedback from users, with requests and observations on how the site works for them. Based on some of those inputs, we have made the following enhancements to the sites functionality. Hope you like them.

Sticky Entry/Solution Filters
 When a user had entered and used a filter on either the Entry or Solutions browser lists, the filter was cleared whenever a new tab (Latest-Popular-Active) was selected, or when the user navigated to another location. This meant that any required filter had to be re-entered and applied each time.
 We have improved the filter capability to keep the filter settings between tab and location changes. This allows a filter to be set and automatically applied to the lists as the user browses the site.
 For example, if the user applied a filter to the Entries list filtering by the Entry type of Idea, he can now browse to another location, and the list will automatically retain that filter setting and display only Ideas for the new location. 
 To make this functionality more usable we also added a Filter Clear button, which allows any filter (text and/or type) to be easily removed when required.
 One filter is maintained for Entries and one for Solutions.

A user can now configure various automated event notifications from the site. For example, when a new Entry is added to a Location, an email notification can be sent to  any user who has an active notification for that event.
 Notifications are set  by user and item. Any user can select to add a Notification to items suppporting Notifications by selecting the Notifications tab in the item's Detail view. Currently only the following items support Notifications:

  •  Locations: When adding Entries, Solutions or Child Locations
  •  Entries: When adding to a Location or adding Solutions, Awards or Reviews
  •  Solutions: When adding Awards or Reviews

 Currently, any item supporting Notifications will only have the Add event enabled for Notification subscription, but in the future other events, such as Edit or Delete, may be added.
 Configured Notifications for any user can be viewed in the User Manage - Notifications tab. Notifications can also be globally enabled or disabled for the user from this tab. If Notifications are globally disabled, the Item Notifications are kept, and can be easily used again when re-enabled.
 We have currently only enabled email notifications, but SMS notifications may be enabled in the future.

That's it for now. We think these updates definetly make the site more useful and easy to use. Thanks for your support, keep the ideas and suggestions coming....
